The New Episode and The Next Episode

Due to some technical issues with this website, I was unable to write a post to drum up anticipation for episode #48, which I have just now uploaded. But just as a note of clarification – yes, the continuity of the strip hiccups slightly, which is to say that this one picks up where Episode #46 -NOT Episode #47- left off. Also, the next one will continue this plotline as well.

Lolly’s journey through the pain and alienation of her past and her unconscious mind is about to take a more hopeful, colourful turn….#49 will most likely be published on July 5th, my 29th Birthday. If anything unusual happens to prevent this, of course, I will to try to make sure I let you know beforehand. That’s going to be a very special episode to me. Not that the others aren’t, but….that one is going to be especially fun to make. Stay tuned….