Three quick pieces of information that will be pertinent to anyone seeking me out online right now:
1) I have created a new Instagram account specifically for my new art, and it can be viewed at
2) My first venture on this new account is to participate in InkTober2019! Check it daily for a new drawing!
3) If you’re a fan of Shapes of Things, (and let’s be real here, what the bloody hell are you looking at my website for if you’re not, I mean that’s like saying you don’t think In The Realm Of The Unreal was Henry Darger’s best work, I mean like come on now) you can help me by liking/following the facebook group,
and liking/sharing the current and upcoming re-posts of all fifty episodes! Make sure to say something about it, so it doesn’t, you know…..look like spam!
Which is definitely not a thing that’s been a problem for me in the past!
‘Kay, that’s all for now!