Episode #41 will be a sort of nonlinear musical interlude, featuring….the forehead blob guy. I know, I still need to give him a name. It will be posted on October 29th. November will see Rosa’s return, and January will uncover some previously mysterious details pertaining to the shady characters that populate Unjar’s school. That’s the most I can give away right now….


(DEEP SIGH)…..Look, I’m not gonna lie to you people, it was a rough summer for me when it came to keeping this comic going. I always had something to occupy myself with, but writing has fallen by the wayside. I must confess, finally, that I was not only shocked and saddened by the string of hate-fueled assassinations that took place in America throughout June and July, but CREEPED OUT. Episode #41 was completed and published just a week after Orlando. In it, as you may recall, Lolly is once again the victim of psychological terrorism, but not from some remote, hidden outpost this time – in person. At this point I pretty much couldn’t decide anymore if my severely jaundiced, purposefully outrageous assessment of the world was too hopeful or merely too generous, but either way, that shit was just brutal. I have since taken something of an unprecedented break from even having something to say with these characters. Fortunately, this was neither as deep nor as permanent as I had feared. As this next episode will demonstrate, I kinda just needed to have some fun, and hopefully you will to as you read it when it arrives.


Keep dreaming. Keep loving. Don’t forget how much of what’s important to you was made or made possible by people who died a long time ago. You can be that for the future. Everything that lives creates. Taking impermanence at face value is for people who have never actually had to confront it. Believe in some vague notion of eternity and be grateful you won’t actually live to see Red Giant Day. Don’t Drink Rainbow Falcon if you can help it. Bob Bless Us, Every One.