The greatest drummer of all time just died. That’s right, I said it. No, I’m not just taking advantage of the opportunity to say something inflammatory. I’m not pretending I don’t know that Mitch Mitchell is greasier than a pound of french fries on “Little Miss Lover”, or that Bonzo on “Ramble On” isn’t the … Continue
Category: Uncategorized
Social Media Update
Three quick pieces of information that will be pertinent to anyone seeking me out online right now: 1) I have created a new Instagram account specifically for my new art, and it can be viewed at 2) My first venture on this new account is to participate in InkTober2019! Check it daily for a … Continue
Remembering 9/11….
….is the easy part. Picture the worst thing you’ve ever seen happening. Boom, there it is. Know what’s hard? Figuring out what you’ve forgotten because of 9/11. There’s a myth in society that trauma makes us suppress what traumatized us more than it does anything else. What it ACTUALLY does, most of the time, is … Continue
One Year.
Fuck…. Okay, what do you want me to say? What do you mean I don’t need to say anything?! You don’t think I would feel a sense of obligation about this?? Okay. Just the facts first. A year ago tonight, some fucking maniac used an illegal Smith & Wesson to shoot sixteen people, the last … Continue
The Future of Shapes of Things
I decided some time ago that Episode #50 would be the final installment of my webcomic. However, the fictional universe where it took place, as well as the cast of characters that inhabited it, is still only in embryonic form. Having had nearly 30 years on this planet in which to observe the kind of … Continue
Peek behind the curtain…..
Hello freaks, Zoran here! I’m going to do something a little bit different here – instead of sharing my favorite pieces of the roughs for the last episode and a deleted scene from episode 40 on this site, I’m making it FACEBOOK-EXCLUSIVE CONTENT! That’s right, I’m giving that page a real reason to exist! At … Continue
New Episode Date Announcement & First Q&A Post
Episode 50 is in progress right now, and it’s an unruly little monster as usual. I tend to pick dates that have some kind of meaning, now that they’re big enough to be semi-annual events. So let’s go with….April 20th. Because, you know….weeed, duuuude. Yoooo…. *ahem* To help pass the time, here are some questions … Continue
Fuck it. It just makes sense. Episode #49 needs to arrive on October 31st. I don’t care how different this is from what I’ve done in the past. It’s necessary. If you’ve read up to this point, you deserve a better episode than I can deliver by September 23rd. This Summer was utter hell. I … Continue
Episode 49
We live in a bizarre world. Nothing seems to make sense anymore. Where is left to dig for gold? Are we burning up already? Does the soul of us all live somewhere? Can we find this place? And what should we wear when we show up? Episode #49 is the final destination of this leg … Continue
The New Episode and The Next Episode
Due to some technical issues with this website, I was unable to write a post to drum up anticipation for episode #48, which I have just now uploaded. But just as a note of clarification – yes, the continuity of the strip hiccups slightly, which is to say that this one picks up where Episode … Continue
Actually, it would be more accurate to say that continuing to do it without first temporarily making the advertisement of it my full-time job is unsustainable. I could have written this post anytime in the last two weeks, but I just got around to it now for various reasons. If you live in the Greater … Continue
On “The Other Halloween” and the next “Shapes of Things”
I would love to find something exciting about Halloween this year. I really would. But the fact is, it’s a redundant event now. Cosplay culture is constantly, permanently active throughout the year, Horror is a niche as unkillable as its antagonists, and the world is completely horrifying and crushingly sad all the time. It’ll go … Continue