Release date of new episode still TBD

This time it’s especially complicated, because the whole style of strip is shifting and I’m trying to experiment with pacing and tone a lot more. Some of the ideas at the core of what’s coming up next date back in my life further than the strip itself. This is no ordinary piece of the Shapes … Continue

April 1st….

….is the date the new episode goes up. From here on, it’s the first Saturday of the month, not the last. Read while wearing the protection of your choice – a raincoat, a spacesuit, a straitjacket….any one of those is good.   Be nice to all of your selves. Goodnight. … Continue

Small clarification on previous post….

….Episode #43 is actually set for release in FEBRUARY, not this month as previously indicated. This is mostly to allow me the necessary time to prepare following episodes to be linked together thematically. Whenever I do that, it takes a bit of extra time to edit the story because what events become part of what … Continue


Episode #41 will be a sort of nonlinear musical interlude, featuring….the forehead blob guy. I know, I still need to give him a name. It will be posted on October 29th. November will see Rosa’s return, and January will uncover some previously mysterious details pertaining to the shady characters that populate Unjar’s school. That’s the … Continue

Next Episode: June 18th

Title says it all this time – Nothing to be delivered this particular upcoming Saturday, so don’t let that surprise you. Incidentally, this might be a first for me – an episode with an entire deleted scene/scenario. Like an actual film. Oh yeah, and it’s totally X-Rated, you guys. Network wouldn’t have it. It was … Continue

No New Episode This Month

I had meant to make this announcement a bit sooner, but here we are. Typical reasons – taking a few courses, potential computer complications stemming from the possibility that it may need to be taken in for maintenance to fix internet connection problems (And yes, I am talking about my ALMOST BRAND NEW laptop….sheesh…), etc. … Continue


So me & Stacy have identified the problem, but solving it is being delayed by various things – This site was built very quickly a couple of years ago through a collaborative process between several relatively inexperienced parties, so needless to say, glitches are nothing new here. (You’ll notice, for instance, that Episode 12 is … Continue


Okay, so I lied. Apparently. Once again, that enchating magical forest of code that is my website has managed to stop working again, like a baby soiling itself merely due to its being left unattended for a given amount of time. And once again, my innate and utter abhorrence of all software is reconfirmed. Whatever. … Continue

Upcoming Break II: Eclectic Boogaloo

Hey, it’s Zoran here, just letting everyone know that the strip is on hold for a bit. Whatever that means. As in I’m not exactly sure for how long. But I am pretty sure by the end of next month I’ll probably be ready to start publishing again, but in the meantime I really need … Continue